Interesting and good to know...
Leica = combination of two words Leitz camera = Lei(tz)ca(mera)
Elmax = Ernst Leitz MAX (Last name of Max Berek, the inventor of LTM lens)
Elmar = a deviation from Elmax due to improved lens design, copy right issue of old name.
Elmarit = A further improved version, a derivation of the Elmar name.
Hektor = The name of Max Berek's first dog
Summarex = The name of Max Berek's second dog is REX
Summar = short form of the name of Max's dog
Summarit = improved Summar, a deviation of the name Summar like Elmarit
Summicron = "Summi" for summit (of lens performance) & "chroma" for color. Some also said because of the use of Thorium-free Lanthanium crown glass LaK9
Summilux = summi : attainable the highest level of achievement. lux : light, i.e. attainable high level of light gathering abilities, some said it refers to deluxe or luxury model of Summicron
Noctilux = Noct = night in Latin, Noct + Lux = night light gathering
Thambar = Thambos" means "blurred" or "not sharp" in Greek.
Telyt ---- short hand for telephoto
M = Messucher = German word for Rangefinder
LTM = Leica thread mount.
ELCAN = Ernst Leitz Canada = (E)rnst (L)eitz (Can)ada
DR = Dual Range
Rigid = It is "rigid" and not collapsible like most lens during that era, first is Rigid Summar and then Rigid Summicron.
Nokton = Greek word Nykta which means Night meaning that it can shoot in darkness
Sonnar = Taken from the word for sun because this breakthrough lens design was so bright
Other names of interest:
For M cameras:
M3 = M mount with 3 frameline, or a Leica III series LTM camera in M mount.
M2 = a lower end model of M3
M1 = a further trimmed down version of M2
M4 = 4 framelines
M5 = Likely just to name camera in sequence
M6 = 6 framelines
M7 - M9 = I believe just to name the camera in sequence
MP original = M for professional
MP 2003 = mechanical perfection