This is the same set + a Leitz Elmar 50/2.8 M-mount.
Vintage Schneider Xenogon 35/2.8 LTM Set
(出處: M-Classic)
The batch includes the following itmes:
1. Schneider Xenogon 35/2.8 L39 in good used condition. Trace of light wipe marks.
2. Bakelite Leica 34mm front cap
3. Leica L39 to M adapter, M3 28-50 frame, M2 50 frame
4. Leica M rear cap
5. Leica Elmar 50/2.8 M-mount in good used condition. A dot on the front surface as should. Coating is not perfect. Trace of wipe marks. Takes good photos but not a collector item.
6. Original Leica front cap
7. Black hood 12585 + a rare adapter for use on 34mm lens, i.e. the Xenogon 35/2.8
8. Hoya 38mm UV filter
9. Cheap M rear cap and 39mm front cap
All of the above: HK$6500
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