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電影分享 今日: 0|主題: 264|排名: 52 

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預覽 爭氣 & 冬日甦醒 keith 2014-12-31 02498 keith 2014-12-31 14:45
預覽 翻生侏羅館3:古墓的秘密 keith 2014-12-24 22532 keith 2014-12-26 10:19
預覽 The Good Lie paulpaul 2014-12-25 02550 paulpaul 2014-12-25 00:15
預覽 The Interview paulpaul 2014-12-18 02566 paulpaul 2014-12-18 15:57
預覽 .......... vincecharus 2014-12-3 42643 paulpaul 2014-12-5 16:29
預覽 Have a little faith paulpaul 2014-11-23 02632 paulpaul 2014-11-23 22:06
預覽 Gone Girl redrede 2014-10-12 133212 blanc530 2014-11-7 22:15
預覽 The Classic 《假如愛有天意》2003 keith 2014-8-28 42777 wing1121 2014-10-21 15:10
預覽 Guardians of the Galaxy attach_img paulpaul 2014-8-3 22588 dailyjuice 2014-10-10 19:26
預覽 叛諜裁判 keith 2014-10-2 02350 keith 2014-10-2 18:06
預覽 米芝蓮摘星奇緣 keith 2014-9-22 22430 bhui 2014-9-22 11:25
預覽 女兒和我看: 戀上春樹 edwardyung 2014-9-14 72642 paulpaul 2014-9-18 17:48
預覽 The Hundred-Foot Journey edwardyung 2014-9-13 02400 edwardyung 2014-9-13 10:28
預覽 Romeo and Juliet《殉情記》1968 keith 2014-8-28 02343 keith 2014-8-28 15:02
預覽 Lucy hothmonkey 2014-8-10 12327 keith 2014-8-28 09:13
預覽 千語千尋 Chinese-Tee 2014-8-8 32560 edwardyung 2014-8-14 17:14
預覽 烏龜 paulpaul 2014-8-10 42255 edwardyung 2014-8-13 11:45
預覽 輝耀姬物語 keith 2014-8-4 02259 keith 2014-8-4 10:25
預覽 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes hothmonkey 2014-8-1 12230 keith 2014-8-1 10:21
預覽 Heaven is for Real paulpaul 2014-7-7 52534 edwardyung 2014-7-23 17:16
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