Leica Elmarit-m 90mm f/2.8
kenrockwell.com 鏡頭評論:
The Leica Elmarit-M 90mm f/2.8 is optically perfect.
The Leica 90/2.8 is ultra-sharp even wide-open in the corners,
and has no distortion or ghosts.
鏡頭光學完美, coating完好, 無划痕, 無霉, 無離膠, 極小塵;
光圈葉無油, 光圈環/對焦環均順暢無誤
鏡身外觀乾淨整潔, 無露銅, 但有划痕;
遮光罩有凹痕, 見圖三, 不影響功能
連原裝前後蓋 / Hoya UV filter
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有意PM, 非誠勿擾
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